Saturday, November 4, 2017


It is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Bikram Sambat annual calendar, celebrated by Nepalese people, along with their diaspora throughout the globe. It is the longest and most anticipated festival in Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and North Indian hills. People return from all parts of the world, as well as different parts of the country, to celebrate together.[3] All government offices, educational institutions and other offices remain closed during the festival period.The festival falls in September or October, starting from theshukla paksha (bright lunar fortnight) of the month of Ashvin and ending onpurnima, the full moon. Among the fifteen days on which it is celebrated, the most important days are the first, seventh, eighth, ninth and the tenth.[5]

Dashain symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
For followers of Shaktism, it represents the victory of the goddess Parvati. In Hindu mythology, the demon Mahishasura had created terror in the devaloka (the world where gods live ) but Durga killed the rakcchesh(demon).[7][8][9] The first nine days of Dashain symbolize the battle which took place between the different manifestations of Durga and Mahishasura. The tenth day is the day when Durga finally defeated him. For other Hindus, this festival symbolizes the victory of Ram over Ravan as recounted in the Ramayana.

happy dashain:)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Visit to Chhauni Mueseum

about chhauni museumको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

The day was wonderful. we enjoyed a lot.we started our journey at 10:30 and we reached there at 12:00.We entered the gate of chhauni museum. We were not allowed to take anything exept copy and pen. We kept our bag and waterbottle in the counter. The first building which we entered was JUDDHA JATIYA KALASALA. We saw there many arts and sculputers. We started copying the notes in the museum. We also saw many books which was wrintten in many languages by many writers. We saw there 100's of years ago arts and sculptures. We saw many arts in the first building . We entered to the next room in which we saw 100;s of years ago sculpture. We saw the sculptures which was made during 17th to 20th century. We already took many time completing only one building. After completing the visit in the first building we all came out from the first building. We clicked some photos with our teachers Khem sir and Arun sir.

After that we entered the second building which was Buddhist art gallery. We saw there many arts which was also related to Buddha. We saw there the arts and pictures of 1st century to 8th or 10th century. We also saw many arts and mandala. We got the meaning about the mandala which was the neuter noun "mandala" seems to have originally been a ward signifying a circle of any discoid object such as the sun and the moon. We also got the name of five Buddhas Ratnasambhava, Aksobhya, Vairocana, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi. We learned so many things that was on Buddhas art gallery. 

That day was very memorable for us. We don't only enjoyed there we also learned many more things that which we would not find in any books. We clicked many photos with our teachers and we enjoyed that day. It was a very good day for all of the class 9 students. It was a very memorable day for all of us.


Friday, August 11, 2017


My Father, My Superhero
     My father may be merely a man to the world but to me he is my superman my superhero!! He is the one special person for me in millions who has been there with me in all my thick and thin. He is the one who puts in every ounce of his energy in making me happy. It’s his disposal at which I had experienced all the periods of positive transitions in my life. Every dayHe has that unfathomable energy and the unconditional love in his heart that compels every child to keep following him in the hope of learning a new thing every time. The patience and perseverance he has to make everything possible in his children’s life is quite a thing that makes him a superhero in his children’s eyes. It’s sometimes perplexing to understand from where he draws such energy to make his children look at the positive aspect of every situation he may be in. I get up in the morning I look at my dad and think of being a man like him. I don’t know but there’s something so special about him that makes me fall in love with his way of life.

  Importance of Having a Father
      A father is someone everyday who has a day full of profound reflection and that is with regard to his children and family. He is the most important member of the family whose love for his children is just like oxygen for the survival of theA father is someone everyday who has a day full of profound reflection and that is with regard to his children and family. He is the most important member of the family whose love for his children is just like oxygen for the survival of the lives. There’s nothing that big that he could not do for his family and there’s no such sacrifice that he will not do.

He has that unfathomable energy and the unconditional love in his heart that compels every child to keep following him in the hope of learning a new thing every time. The patience and perseverance he has to make everything possible in his children’s life is quite a thing that makes him a superhero in his children’s eyes. It’s sometimes perplexing to understand from where he draws such energy to make his children look at the positive aspect of every situation he may be in.

My Life with My Father
 My father is my first love!! I love spending time with my father on my favourites like playing badminton, practicing music, sitting in the nearby park and the most important of all listening to what he teaches me every day before I go to sleep. Sometimes, it feels as if he is the angel which God has sent for protecting me through. I love him and my love keeps multiplying every day. I wish everyone could have the privilege of having a Father like the one I have and I wish them they experience the kind of bond that I share with my father.
I Love you Dad!! You are the best Dad in the whole world!!

 Me and My Dad
 It is my Dad who encourages me to be best in my class. He is the reason that makes me understand what’s wrong and what’s wrong and stops me from acquiring the bad and unethical ways of life. I play with my Dad whenever he has time, even at night we play indoor games while my Mother is asleep.
He is into an interesting job! He is an actor and I love the way he portrays every little life even with a meticulously comprehensible approach. He had portrayed many characters and I love watching all of them. I want to wish him all the very best for his future endeavours and I wish he keeps entertaining me and his audience!! Love You Dad!!
It is a wise father that knows his own child.

   my father:)

Friday, July 28, 2017

uses of computer in society

Uses of computer in society

           Computers have created a very effective information system to help streamline the management of an organization. This makes it a much needed tool for every business, banking, government, entertainment, daily life, industry, education, and administration. It can be said of all large organizations, whether the department government or private, use a computer for a variety of their daily business and it is the fastest growing industries in the world today. Each organization usually has one or more large computer systems and a number of microcomputer. The system is a great computer for data processing tasks, while many small microcomputer to use as word processing. Computers have become part of our lives is essential. In general, the use of computers can be divided into several groups.

            The first extensive data processing in order to avoid abuse of the workload while increasing the effectiveness of trade and industry. Both as a prediction for decision-makers on the planning, development, and growth based on past data. In addition, it also as a means of control and non-power electric system based on our needs, such as closing the air conditioner if the temperature is lower and save energy, connecting the parts and so on. It is also a link to link data around the world in a short time. For the fields of use mentioned above, the programs needed to be developed, tested, and implemented on a computer. The various programs should be written and linked to form a system for specific tasks. In general, the system means that the software and hardware. As the system -the system used to process the data or information, call our information systems.

  •   Privacy and personal rights
  •  Employment
  • Job opportunities
  • Business transcations
  • Shopping

Sunday, February 5, 2017

experience of dadhing

tour to dading
first day,
at 10:00 we started our journey.our plan was to arrive school at 10,all came at school and click group photosand then we went towards the bus.we were in bus for 3 to 4 hours.and then we reached hotel spring wood camp.we took rest for 30 minutes.after that we took launch and played in a beach.we played volleyball and football,we enjoyed and clicked some photos there in the beach.after that we went to raute was a wonderful.

again,we acame back to our hotel.then,we started dancing for 1 hour and enjoyed.after that we started firecamp.There we ate bbq,we sang a song and ate was fun. after camp fire we went for dinner and we took dinner and went in our own camp and talked about ghost.we slept at 11:00.

2nd day,
we woke up at 6:00 and brush our teeth and wash our face.after that we went to take breakfast.after taking breakfast we became ready for going chepang village.we started our journey towards chepang village.we walked for 2 hours.and we reached to the temple.again,we went to see the school of chepang was nice and small.there was class 1 to 5 was very wonderful day.after reaching the school we went back to our hotel and packed our clothes and again went to play in beach.1 hour we played in beach and came for launch.after launch we were ready to return back to our school.we sat there for a while in the ground and went towards 5:00 we reached school and went was memoriable that way tour to dadhing ends.


moving towards raute village